
The Blogger Recognition Award

Thank you to Abi Leah, over at Life As A Homeschooled Teen, who nominated me for the The Blogger Recognition Award!

If you like reading my posts about homeschooling, then you should like Abi Leah’s blog. Warning: her blog is about real homeschooling. If you want to keep up the pretense that homeschooling is inferior to public schooling or that homeschoolers just goof around all the time instead of actually doing school, don’t read that blog. Just a FYI. 😀

Now for the award rules:blogger-recognition-award

  1. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award. Attach the logo to your blog.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give a piece of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 10 other blogs to give the award to.

How My Blog Started:

I wanted someway to reach out to the world and improve my writing. My best friend had a blog and so I chose that as my way of connecting. (And because I knew that I was not going to get a Facebook account. :D) But first I had to prove to Dad that I had something that was actually worth saying. So my second post (you can check it out here) talked about my goals. Here they are again, just as a reminder for me and you.

  1. Glorify God
  2. Make you laugh
  3. Have fun writing here
  4. Write about interesting things
  5. Make my awesome horses heroes =)
  6. Give a sneak peek into the ‘small ranch’ ranching life.

Mom and Dad agreed that it would be a good way for me to improve my writing (which I absolutely love) and to connect to the great big world around me. And so, here I am!

Advice for New Bloggers

Write what you want to write about. If  you see someone writing about something else and getting more followers, chill out. They’ve probably been blogging for longer or go to a big church or something like that. Just keep writing about ‘your thing’ and people who are interested in what you are will come. Give it a little time. 😀 And never underestimate the power of the A to Z blogging challenge! (Check it out here.) You will get so many visits that you won’t know what hit you!


  1. Kinni at The Passion to Blog
  2. Terri at A Journey to a Masterpiece
  3. Whitney at Whitney L. Schwartz
  4. Anna at So where’s the snow?
  5. laurelashtonw at An Equestrian
  6. Kelly at Really Full Life
  7. Heather at Life on the HK Bar
  8. ironhorsefarmgirl at SunFlowerBlossomGoats
  9. Deborah at Talking to My Weight-Loss Counselor-God!
  10. vrein11 at Horses Dirt and Motherhood

I hope that you all have a wonderful day!

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