
We’re Losing A Friend, A Part of Our Family

Malnutrition so ravaged his little mind that the seizures began. His mother — out of food and out of options, but full of love — wrapped him in a blanket and kissed him one last time.

She saved his life.

She placed him outside a police station and waited. She hoped. Maybe she even prayed to one or many gods — that her boy would be found and loved, fed and healed.

And he is. Today, he’s my son.

We adopted our son Sambhaji from India five years ago.

He eats Cheerios at my kitchen table instead of parathas at hers. He throws a mean fastball and does better on spelling tests than I ever did — his mind and body have healed well.

He loves to read, pretend he’s Batman, and get mail from his friend Ranjith in India.

Ranjith is growing up in the same small Indian village where Sambhaji lived. My son is Ranjith’s sponsor, pen pal, friend.


Click here to read the rest of this article.

2 thoughts on “We’re Losing A Friend, A Part of Our Family”

  1. It makes me so sad that Compassion had to step out of India. I had a correspondent child from there for a while. I love Compassion so much!

    (By the way, it’s been a while since I’ve been on wordpress, and I changed my screen name and everything. I used to be Owlivia)


    1. Ahhhh! Owlivia!!! Hi!!! Okay, I was literally JUST thinking about you (and other old blogging friends) and then I log on and see your comment! I actually started a new blog too and I’ve been hanging out over there more (which is why it took so long for me to see your comment), but check me out:

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